How to plan for the birth of a boy

Very often, couples who decide to have a baby want to plan a baby of a certain gender. Most often, these are the psychological characteristics of the parents, especially if the couple already has children. Surveys show that even those parents who claim that it does not matter to them what gender their child will be, in fact, quite clearly imagine him as either a daughter or a son.

So, is it possible to plan the gender of the baby? Alternative medicine and folk beliefs give an affirmative answer. So, for example, our distant ancestors firmly believed that the sex of the baby depends on the fatigue of one of the parents during conception. If a woman feels tired, a boy will be born, if a man, then, accordingly, a girl. The connection between these two things is difficult to catch, but this belief was once very strong.

How to plan for the birth of a boy

Today, there are a variety of methods to help plan the sex of a newborn. Firstly, this is the mother’s diet, which should be started a few weeks before the expected day of conception. For a boy to appear, a woman needs to eat more meat, dates, lentils, fresh fish.

Another important point is the posture during intercourse. It must be remembered that spermatozoa – carriers of the Y chromosome, which is responsible for the male sex of the baby, are very fast, but much less tenacious than X spermatozoa. It is difficult for “male” to survive in the acidic environment of the vagina, therefore, to conceive a son, parents need to choose positions with the deepest possible penetration.

Another important nuance when planning the sex of a baby is the exact calculation by a woman of the day of ovulation, maturation and release of the egg. This requires several months to constantly measure basal temperature. The optimal date for conceiving a boy is the 14th day before menstruation.

You also need to consider the frequency of sexual intercourse. Spermatozoa carrying the X chromosome are able to stay alive in the vagina for 4-5 days, waiting for the egg, so with frequent intercourse, the chances of conceiving a boy are higher.

How to plan for the birth of a boy

There is a theory that a woman does not have to have an orgasm to conceive a son. This makes sense because during orgasm, a woman’s PH environment becomes more acidic, in which it is very difficult for Y sperm to survive.

Whether these recommendations are true can only be found out individually, but one thing is indisputable: the process of fertilization is completely unpredictable. The egg cell lets in only one sperm cell and by what principle it chooses it is impossible to explain.

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