How to protect a country house from rodents

It is well known that with the onset of cold weather, one very annoying problem becomes relevant in country houses – rodents.

During the summer, these pests practically do not bother homeowners, since it is not difficult to find food in the fields and forests. But with the onset of the cold season, rats and mice begin to move into houses. How to deal with the invasion of these uninvited guests?

There are several ways to effectively control rodents:

You can try to get rid of these dangerous pests the old fashioned way – with the help of mechanical traps and traps. This method is quite simple and environmentally friendly. Relatively humane material are “live traps”. However, among the disadvantages of this method, it is worth noting the following: unsafe for pets and curious children, as well as suitability for the extermination of a small number of rodents. Given that rats and mice are unusually prolific, rodent control will take a long time.

Trying to get rid of rodents is also worth using chemicals, which can be found on the shelves of hardware stores. However, this method also has disadvantages. It is absolutely not suitable for those who have pets, as well as small children. When using this method, it is also necessary to take into account the fact that a rodent that has eaten poison can die anywhere – both outside the house and in it.

Glue traps are an environmentally friendly and safe way to deal with these pests. They are quite easy to use – they are placed around the perimeter of the room, after which it is necessary to wait for the gray rodent to step on the sticky surface. But it is not the aesthetics of this method that should be taken into account.

A very popular, modern means of protection against mice and rats is mechanical foam. It does not contain pesticides, so it is absolutely safe for people. The application of this method is quite easy. It is only necessary to find a rodent hole and inject foam there. For several minutes, rodents living in a hole die. The difficulty of using this method is that the location of rodent burrows is not always known.

The problem of rodent control has not been bypassed by technical progress, therefore, at the present time, modern, fairly simple to use and effective means are being produced. Now on sale you can find ultrasonic rodent repellers. The basis of their action is the persistent intolerance of these pests to high-frequency sounds. This sound in them causes a feeling of anxiety and forces them to flee. It is desirable to install ultrasonic repellers in the most open space.  In order for rats and mice not to get used to the ultrasonic signal, these devices have an automatic change in the frequency of the sound. These innovative models are very convenient and have virtually no drawbacks. They are safe for humans and animals, non-toxic, can be used simultaneously to repel mice, rats, and even moles. When choosing a model of rodent repeller, it is necessary to pay attention to what exactly this device is intended for. Currently, there are models on sale that are designed for both open spaces and indoors. There are also universal rodent repellers, which can be used both outdoors and indoors. These repellers include the Tornado 200 model, made in Russia.

Those who are faced with this problem should remember that gray rodents in the house are not yet a sentence, since there are so many effective ways to deal with this scourge.

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