Reducing the volume of construction in the Dnepropetrovsk region

Dnipropetrovsk region for the period of the last 2012 reduced the volume of construction work by 14 percent, correspondents of our resource report with reference to data provided by the Main Statistical Office in the Dnipropetrovsk region.

In total, last year, enterprises located in the territory of the Dnipropetrovsk region successfully carried out construction activities for a total of 4.7 billion hryvnia, which is more than 13.5 percent lower than the figure that was demonstrated at the end of the year before last 2011.

However, the renovation of existing apartments is being done with the same intensity as last year. I even installed an extractor hood in the kitchen. It seems to be a trifle, but for the hostess, who often cooks, a necessity!

There is a rapid reduction in the volume of construction of buildings, as well as structures by more than 15.6 percent, up to 3.7 billion hryvnia. The number of prepared land plots has decreased to the level of 575 million hryvnias, therefore, we can talk about a reduction in this kind of activities by 3.5 percent. The number of installed engineering equipment has decreased by more than 8 percent – the mark of 463 has been reached.5 million hryvnia.

At the same time, analysts draw attention to the fact that against the background of all ongoing construction activities in the region, the share of construction of new residential buildings accounts for no more than 30 percent. The vast majority of relevant work (about 70 percent) is focused on major repairs, reconstruction activities and refurbishment of existing housing.

If we consider specifically the month of December last year, the volume of construction work in the region increased by a little more than 7 percent compared to previous months (in total, work was completed for a total of 495.5 million hryvnia).

So far, local analysts and real estate market experts do not make any forecasts regarding the development of the construction industry this year.

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